Where is the Odyssey School of Denver located?
Odyssey School of Denver
6550 E. 21st Ave.
Denver, CO 80207
View on a map.

How long has the Odyssey School of Denver been in existence? How did it get started?
Like many new endeavors, it began with a shared vision. A dedicated group of parents, teachers, and community members from the Park Hill area worked together to create a new school of choice for Denver families. Their specific goal was to design an innovative school based on the principals of Expeditionary Learning to serve a richly diverse community. We started our first year on September 1, 1998, with 24 students in each of two multi-grade classes, first-second and third-fourth.  Learn more about the school.

How do we enroll in the Odyssey School of Denver?
Odyssey is participating in the DPS SchoolChoice process. All families that wish to apply must fill out the DPS School Choice Form.  Families can pick up to 12 school choices. Every student will be assigned to a school based on their lottery number and the order that schools are ranked on the form. Students will be assigned to their highest-ranked school where space is available and enrollment requirements are met. See the full enrollment guidelines and polices for more information.

What are my chances of being picked in the lottery?
Every year is different and the number of applications we receive varies. Typically, kindergarten and 6th grade are where we receive the most applications. Kindergarten usually has 100+ applicants in the lottery for 40 spots, 6th grade usually has around 25+ applicants. Openings in grades 1 – 8 vary on how many current students are returning. We usually have anywhere from 1 – 8 spots open in any one grade. Waitlists do move and any openings are filled according to the waitlists as soon as possible.

Is there a 1/2 day kindergarten option?
No, we only offer full day kindergarten.

How do new  students that transfer into upper grades do?
Students that transfer in the upper grades from traditional schools sometimes go through a transition period, some do not. Odyssey’s structure is often new and takes a period of adjustment but most students adapt quickly to the difference.

Do I need to re-apply every year?
Once you’ve been accepted, you are enrolled until you complete 5th grade or choose to leave. This school year, 2024-2025, will be the first year that Odyssey has forty 5th graders transitioning to 6th grade. We have 26 seats in 6th grade. Typically, half of our 5th graders choose other middle school options and do not stay for 6th grade at Odyssey. We expect that 26 seats will accommodate all our returning new 6th graders but we are working with DPS to further explore the best practice for our 5th graders, whether it be re-applying through Choice or some other option. Stay tuned!

Where do most of Odyssey’s 8th graders go for high school?
Most of our graduates attend local high schools – East High, Northfield, George Washington High, Denver School of the Arts, and others.

How often are students out of the classroom?
Depending on the learning expedition, time on fieldwork varies. Typically students are out on fieldwork 1/2 day every 15 days. All classes also go out for fall and spring camping trips which vary in length depending on the grade level.

Is there a cost to attend?
Odyssey is a public school. We do fund raise every year to help supplement our program.

Do you participate in state standardized tests?
Yes, we are required by law to take state tests.

How does Odyssey compare to other schools in state assessments?
Odyssey does well in state assessments. Although we do not “teach to the test” we do teach our students test taking skills. We score significantly higher than Denver Public Schools in all categories for students being proficient or above. We also score higher than the state average.

How are families involved at the school?
The school requires that all families support their children in learning at home and school, while also being involved in the development of the school.  Each family is asked to read weekly emails from the school and teachers, attend all conferences, Back-to-School Night, and other events, get involved with Family Council committees (auction, hospitality, etc.), or consider serving on the Board of Directors. There are lots of ways to get involved! Read more about family involvement at Odyssey.