The Odyssey School of Denver is pleased to announce a comprehensive search for its next Executive Director. As a crucial step in this process, the Odyssey board is inviting community members, stakeholders, staff, teachers, and students to actively participate in this important endeavor. A comprehensive web page has been created on the Odyssey website that will provide additional information.
The Executive Director search will be expertly conducted by Hazard Young Attea Associates (HYA), a nationally renowned firm with a distinguished track record in educational leadership recruitment. With their expertise in identifying exceptional candidates and aligning leadership profiles with the unique needs of schools and districts, HYA will play a vital role in ensuring the selection of an Executive Director who will inspire educational excellence and innovation at Odyssey.
In its commitment to transparency, inclusivity, and collaborative decision-making, Odyssey invites all constituents to share their valuable insights, perspectives, and expectations for the next Executive Director. The board recognizes that the collective wisdom of the Odyssey community is essential in identifying the qualities and qualifications that the ideal Executive Director should possess.
Odyssey ED Finalists
April 30, 2024
Contact: Elki Neiberger,
Odyssey School of Denver Board of Directors
Announces Three Finalists for Executive Director
Finalists will visit Odyssey on May 6 and 7 and participate in final interviews on May 7
The Odyssey School of Denver Board of Directors are pleased to announce the selection of three finalists to interview for the position of Odyssey Executive Director. The board of directors conducted a comprehensive national search to find its next Executive Director. The process included a community survey, stakeholder interviews and focus groups with parents, staff and students. The board was assisted by Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates (HYA)
search firm throughout the process.
From a strong pool of qualified candidates, the interview committee made up of staff, teachers and parents conducted initial interviews last week and has narrowed the slate to Annaleah Bloom, current School Director at Mapleton Expeditionary School of the Arts, Colin Hynes, current Assistant Director at Odyssey and Pete Martinez, current Assistant Principal at Joe Shoemaker School in Denver.

Topic: Odyssey Families & Executive Director Finalists Q&A
Monday, May 6, 2024 (Mountain Time US and Canada)
5:30 – 6:15 pm: Colin Hynes
6:20 – 7:05 pm: Pete Martinez
7:10 – 7:45 pm: Annaleah Bloom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 880 2545 8922
On May 7, 2024, the Board of Directors will complete final interviews with each finalist. They hope to select a candidate by mid-May with a start date of July 1, 2024.
Community Open Forum/Focus Groups
The community was invited to participate in several open forums/focus groups to provide feedback on their impressions of the district and the characteristics the board should seek in the next Executive. Additionally, HYA held additional focus groups with teachers, staff, students, and administrators, as well as civic and community leaders. Here are the results of the HYA Stakeholder Forums & Survey.
Timeline and Application
The job description and application information can be found on the HYA website:
TIMELINE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SEARCH *Dates are approximate and subject to change | |
Dates | Activities |
Week of May 6, 2024 | Finalists Day at Odyssey – day |
Week of May 7, 2024 | Board conducts final interview(s) |
Week of May 15, 2024 | Executive Director’s hiring approved by the Board |
Applications must be received by April 19, 2024. The Executive Director search is anticipated to conclude by early May 2024.